
Mofu Bunbun 2023

Mofu Bunbun 2023


I decided I wanted to do a drop for the Year of the Rabbit, with some help from the wonderful Oimo and Skepty!

Winter 2022 Mofuko Drop

Winter 2022 Mofuko Drop

I want to fight seasonal depression with cute clothes! I will keep up workout routines even if it's cold! I am determined to stay motivated! -- I wanted to share this motivation with you.

Let's see the World

Let's see the World

Spring 2022 Mofuko Drop.

I want to capture the wonder of seeing a new place for the first time. Whether you are traveling alone, or with friends & family, the excitement and thrill are the same!

I want to travel lightly, with nothing but me, my bag, and my camera! Onwards! My first stop is the Cherry Blossom Festival!

You can do it!!

You can do it!!

Fall 2021 Mofuko drop. HOLO versions are extras and will not be restocked.

Artist - Yokura

Artist - Yokura

I like drawing cute anime girls! I hope you like MY cute anime girls =v=b